囍筆 Blessing Pen
提筆書寫,囍上心頭,在指尖印下幸福記號。「囍筆」將代表雙倍幸運的「囍」字刻在筆桿末端,在按壓使用的瞬間,喜氣與祝福便從筆芯蔓延到指尖,直達心頭。突面反刻的「囍」字重現傳統活版鉛字文化,復刻手刻漢字的獨特美感,重新感受中華歷史文化餘韻。以一撇一捺傳達詩情畫意,用一筆一畫寫下隻字片語。 | |
Engraved the Chinese word "囍Ci" on push button, Blessing Pen is considered to be a good blessing in Chinese culture. By pressing the push button, the mark of happiness will be left on the finger and gives you the best of luck. Writing all the good things with a lucky pen , may the joy and happiness around you today and always.
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